February 21, 2008 Regular Meeting
Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Call to Order1. Attendance Minutes: Present: Carol Vallencourt, District No. 1; Carol Studdard, District No. 2; Charles Van Zant, Jr., District No. 3; Wayne Bolla, District No. 4; and Lisa Graham, District No. 5. Superintendent David Owens was also present for the meeting.
Consent AgendaSuperintendent
2. C-1 Minutes of student disciplinary hearings and regular meeting on January 17, 2008; and workshop meeting on January 24, 2008Attachment: Jan1708.pdf Attachment: Jan1708Disc.pdf (Confidential Item) Attachment: Jan2408.pdf Deputy Superintendent
3. C-2 Proposed Staff Allocation Changes - 2007-2008Attachment: Allocations - Proposed Changes - 02-21-08.pdf Information Services
4. C-5 Programmer Efficiency Tool Request Human Resources
5. C-6 Amend the 2007-2008 Salary ScheduleAttachment: Salary Schedule Amendment 2-21-08.pdf 6. C-7 Personnel Consent AgendaAttachment: Personnel Consent Agenda 02-08.pdf 7. C-8 User Agreement between FDLE and School Board of Clay CountyAttachment: FDLE Agreement 2008.pdf 8. C-9 Settlement Agreement with former employee Belinda KingAttachment: Settlement Agreement.pdf (Confidential Item) 9. C-10 Ratify the Memorandum of Understanding between CCEA and the School District of Clay CountyAttachment: CCEA Memorandum of Understanding 2-21-08.pdf 10. C-11 Affiliation Agreement between University of Central Florida School of Social Work and the School Board of Clay CountyAttachment: University of Central Florida Agreement.pdf Instruction
11. C-12 Co-Enrollee list for January 2008Attachment: Co-Enrollee list Jan 2008.pdf (Confidential Item) 12. C-13 Teaching American History grant Field Trip 13. C-14 Charter School ResolutionAttachment: Charter School Resolution 08 09.pdf 14. C-15 Clay County Education Foundation AuditAttachment: CCEF Audit Report.pdf 15. C-16 Bannerman Learning Center Placements in Lieu of Expulsion and ESE Alternative School UpdateAttachment: BLC placements Mar 08.pdf 16. C-17 Student TravelAttachment: BACKUP-FEBRUARY, 2008.pdf 17. C-19 Agreement between CCSD and Orange Park Medical Center for CCSD students to perform Health Careers clinicalsAttachment: AffiliationAgreementSchoolBoardofClayCounty (2).pdf 18. C-20 Resolution supporting the goals and ideals of Career and Technical Education MonthAttachment: RESOLUTION.pdf Business Affairs
19. C-21 Monthly Property Report - January, 2008 - Furniture/EquipmentAttachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-January, 08.pdf 20. C-22 Monthly Property Report - January, 2008 - AV MaterialsAttachment: Audiovisual Report-January, 08.pdf 21. C-23 Monthly Property Report - January, 2008 - SoftwareAttachment: Software Report-January, 08.pdf 22. C-24 Monthly Property Report - January, 2008 - VehiclesAttachment: Vehicles Report-January, 08.pdf 23. C-25 Warrants and Vouchers for JANUARY, 2008Attachment: WARRANTS AND VOUCHERS.xls 24. C-26 Budget Amendments for the Month of January, 2008Attachment: Impact stmt Jan 2008.pdf Attachment: General Fund Revenue.xls Attachment: General Fund Appropriations.xls Attachment: Debt Service.xls Attachment: Capital Projects.xls Attachment: Food Service.xls Attachment: Special Revenue.xls Attachment: Internal Service.xls 25. C-27 Monthly Financial Report for January, 2008Attachment: MONTHLY FINANCIAL JAN, 2008.xls 26. C-28 Deletion of Certain Items Report - February, 2008Attachment: Monthly Deletion Report-February, 2008.pdf Attachment: Monthly Deletion Report (Attachments)-February, 08.pdf 27. C-29 Write Off Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Checks at SPC, MHS, and LAJH 28. C-30 Bids to Be Awarded February 2008 29. C-31 Bid Renewals February 2008 Support Services
30. C-32 Final (Phase III) Plans and Specifications to Re-Roof Buildings 1 & 3 at Clay High School 31. C-33 Final (Phase III) Plans and Specifications to Renovate Restrooms/Shower Rooms at Green Cove Springs Junior High School 32. C-34 Final (Phase III) Plans and Specifications for Fire Alarm Replacement at Lakeside Junior High School 33. C-35 Construction Contract for A/C Duct Board Replacement, B-3C at Clay High School (Phase II)Attachment: CHS.BidTab.DuctBoard.B3C.pdf 34. C-36 Construction Contract to Re-Roof Buildings 1 & 2 at Keystone Heights High School Attachment: KHH.ReRoof.BidTab.pdf 35. C-37 Construction Contract to Re-Roof Buildings 1, 2, 3 & 4 at Lake Asbury Elementary SchoolAttachment: LAE.ReRoof.BidTab 001.pdf 36. C-38 Construction Contract to Replace Transite Panels and Doors on the East Walls, Buildings 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 at Keystone Heights Elementary SchoolAttachment: KHE.Wall.Doors.BidTab.pdf 37. C-39 Deductive Change Order #3 (Direct Purchasing) for OakLeaf Village ElementaryAttachment: CO 3 OVE.pdf 38. C-40 Deductive Change Order #4 (Direct Purchasing) for Shadowlawn Elementary SchoolAttachment: CO 4 SLE.pdf 39. C-41 Modification to Clay County Utility Authority Developer Agreement for Shadowlawn Elementary Attachment: Modification to CCUA Dev. Agrmt.pdf 40. C-43 Pre-Qualification of ContractorsAttachment: Contractor List 2,15,08.pdf 41. C-44 Clay County Utility Authority Grant of Easement for OakLeaf Village Elementary SchoolAttachment: CCUA Easement OVE.pdf 42. C-45 Clay County Utility Authority Close-Out Documents for OakLeaf Village Elementary SchoolAttachment: CCUA Close-Out OVE.pdf 43. C-46 Fleming Island Plantation Community Development District Boundary AmendmentAttachment: FIPCDD Boundary Amendment.pdf
Adoption of Consent Agenda44. Adoption of all remaining Consent Items Minutes: Consent Items C-3, C-4, C-42, C-47, and C-48 were moved to Discussion by Mr. Bolla and C-18 was moved by Mrs. Vallencourt. No items were deleted.
Motions: | Approve the Consent Items as presented, with the exception of those moved to Discussion or deleted. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Charlie VanZant | Second: Lisa Graham | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
Recognitions and Awards45. Recognize Volunteers of the Year (Carol Studdard) Minutes: Tomilyn Edwards, Daniel Donovan and Junella Johnson were presented with certificates in appreciation of their volunteer service to the Clay County School District.
Scheduled Citizen Requests (There are none) Presenters (There are none) Discussion AgendaDeputy Superintendent
46. Public Hearing - CCSB Policy 6GX-10-2.18 Retirement and ResignationsAttachment: CCSB Policy 2.18 Retirement and Resignations - Public Hearing.pdf Minutes: The public hearing was held with no one present to speak to the item.
Motions: | Approve policy as submitted | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Vallencourt | Second: Lisa Graham | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
47. Proposed Staff Allocations for 2008-2009Attachment: Allocations - Proposed for 2008-2009.pdf Attachment: Allocations - Proposed Supplements - 2008-2009.pdf
Motions: | Approve Staff Allocations as submitted. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Charlie VanZant | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
48. C-3 (Bolla) Amendments to Clay County School Board Policy 6GX-10-6.01 Educational and Ancillary Facilities, I. Relocatable FacilitiesAttachment: CCSB Policy 6.01 Educational and Ancillary Facilities - Advertise.pdf Minutes: The original policy was written to develop the definition of capacity. At the time, we had no policy for the use or replacement of relocatables. It was later determined that permanent and relocatable student stations would be used in the determination of capacity. The amendment to the policy will bring the policy in line with the current definition of capacity.
Motions: | Approve policy change as submitted. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Wayne Bolla | Second: Carol Vallencourt | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
Information Services
49. C-4 (Bolla) Clay County Strategic Plan Strategy 6-1, Standardize Planning Methods Minutes: No action was required on this item. The project was originally approved through the Strategic Plan and the item was brought before the board for information due to the increased cost. Mr. Moore explained that in order to fully meet all the software demands created by concurrency and growth, the additional software is desperately needed. The present programs are inefficient and the existing software does not support the programs needed. Staff will proceed with the planned purchases.
50. C-18 (Vallencourt) Contract to open Vystar Credit Union at Fleming Island High School as part of the Academy of Business, Finance and TechnologyAttachment: Vystar agreement.pdf Minutes: Mrs. Vallencourt, as well as other board members, expressed concern about setting a precedent with naming the Academy after Vystar. Paul Parker, Director of Career and Technical Education, explained that this is a common practice in other Florida counties for attracting such partnerships with businesses. Mr. Parker will gather information from other counties who are doing this, and the item will be delayed until the March meeting.
Motions: | Motion to delay to a date certain (March 20, 2008) for further information and discussion regarding the naming of the Academy. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Vallencourt | Second: Wayne Bolla | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Nay |
Support Services
51. C-42 (Bolla) Appraisal and Survey on Roderigo PropertyAttachment: Appraisal_Survey_Roderigo 2,21,08.pdf Minutes: Mr. Bolla pulled this item, as well as C-47 and C-48, for budgetary reasons. Mike Elliott, Assistant Superintendent for Support Services, explained that these projects are funded through Capital Outlay revenue and that cutting these projects would not help with the Operating budget windfall.
Motions: | Accept the survey and appraisal and authorize development of an Option Contract and Advertisement of the School Board’s intent to acquire this property for the District Office Complex. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Charlie VanZant | Second: Lisa Graham | Wayne Bolla | - Nay | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
52. C-47 (Bolla) Construction Contract for Middleburg Elementary School New Entrance DriveAttachment: MBE Parking Contract.pdf
Motions: | Award the construction contract to Walding Company, Inc., the low bidder meeting specifications, the base bid in the amount of $159,884.00. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Vallencourt | Second: Lisa Graham | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
53. C-48 (Bolla) Construction Contract for Thunderbolt Elementary School New Parking LotAttachment: TBE Parking Contract.pdf
Motions: | Award the construction contract to Walding Company, Inc., the low bidder meeting specifications, the base bid in the amount of $574,327.00. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Vallencourt | Second: Lisa Graham | Wayne Bolla | - Nay | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
Presentations from the Audience Superintendent Requests54. Special Pupil Requests Minutes: At Superintendent Owens' request, Mrs. Chapman reported that 24 students have requested an SPR for next year from Lake Asbury Elementary to Shadowlawn Elementary School.
55. Deferred Retirement Option Plan Minutes: Superintendent Owens asked for direction from the Board on extending DROP for administrators. Consensus was that he should hold the course and not extend. There was interest from the Board in establishing a policy to restrict the extension of administrators beyond DROP.
56. Budget Update Minutes: Dr. Copeland gave a brief update on the budget situation and the SBA fund. The budget calendar was also distributed establishing pertinent dates for the 2008-09 budget process.
School Board's Requests57. State Science Standards Minutes: Mrs. Vallencourt reported that the State Board of Education voted to amend the proposed science standards. The new amended language states (new language is underlined), "Recognize that fossil evidence is consistent with the scientific theory of evolution that living things evolved from earlier species."
Adjournment (8:30 p.m.) |